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HCM City water park hands over three bears to rescue centre

18 January 2024 | 07:15:00 AM

A water park operator in HCM City has voluntarily handed over three black bears to the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre in Bach Ma National Park in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue Province.

 A water park operator in HCM City has voluntarily handed over three black bears to the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre in Bach Ma National Park in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue Province.


Three black bears are transferred to the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre in Bach Ma National Park in Thua Thien-Hue Province on January 15. Photo by Tienphong.

The bears arrived at their new home on Monday after a trip of over 1,000 kilometres from the suburban HCM City district of Cu Chi, where they had been kept in a semi-wild environment at the Cu Chi Water Park for many years.

According to Animals Asia, the bears, which are approximately 20 years old, are in poor health and have faced significant hair loss, as difficult business conditions and a reduced operational scale have seen underinvestment in the facilities for a long period.

The park's operator Dang Vinh Co. Ltd. voluntarily transferred the animals to the Animals Asia Organisation as they changed their business operations.

Animals Asia have so far rescued and are taking care of 269 bears in Vietnam.

The Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development reports that around 200 bears are currently kept in captivity across the country.


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